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JSON Exporter Setup

After installing the JSON Exporter, we will move on with the second exporter service for Prometheus: the JSON Exporter, as it's common practice to install the exporters before the main service, as explained before.

The JSON Exporter fetches data from JSON endpoints and exposes it as Prometheus. In our case, it's being used to convey LUKSO price information from CoinGecko. Price discovery is important because it enables us to monitor LUKSO's market performance directly from your Prometheus and Grafana setup, providing a unified view of both your node's performance and the associated token's market performance. It saves time and provides convenience, eliminating the need to check this information on separate platforms.

7.3.1 Creating a New User

Like explained and done previously, we will create a new user to specifically to run the JSON Exporter service. Running services as a system user with minimal privileges is a common security best practice.

  • --system: This flag indicates that a system user should be created. System users are used to run services and daemons rather than for people to log in with.
  • --group: This flag instructs the user tool to create a new group with the same name as the user.
  • --no-create-home: By default, the user tool will create a home directory for each new user. This flag prevents that from happening, as we do not need different user directories if ye do not set the user up with a login. The option is typically used for users that are only meant to run a specific service and don't need a home directory. In this case, I'm naming the user node-exporter-worker to differentiate the service, often using the exact name of the program written in underscores and the user account related to it. Feel free to come up with your name, but remember that you must change future commands.
sudo adduser --system json-exporter-worker --group --no-create-home

Once we configure the exporter, the node will run the service as this user by specifying the user in our system daemon service file.

If you want to confirm that the user has been created, you can search for it within the password file /etc/passwd, that houses all essential information for each user account. Using grep, a powerful command-line tool for global expression search within files or text, we can check if the user exists within the file.

grep "json-exporter-worker" /etc/passwd

The output should look similar to this:


7.3.2 Installing the Dependencies

For the JSON Exporter, we will need the programming language Go, as the JSON Exporter is a tool written in the Go programming language to produce the executable.

Particularly in the infrastructure and cloud-native spaces, services are commonly downloaded as source code and require the user to compile them. Native compilation allows the tool to be used on any system, regardless of its OS or architecture. The JSON Exporter also has no official listing on the Prometheus page.

Download the Dependencies

Before downloading anything, make sure you are in the home directory so everything is in one place:


First, we download Go from the official Go Webpage. Make sure to look up the latest supported one and no archived version. In my case, it is v1.20.4 as of May 2023.

Install the current version using the Google provider. This build is specialized for server operating systems. Adjust the version number within the file if a newer software build is ready to be installed.

Always download the current version.


The output should look similar to this:

[DATE] [TIME] (12.2 MB/s) - ‘go1.20.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz’ saved [100148454/100148454]

Extract the Go Archive

After downloading it, we can extract the tape archive using the Ubuntu tool. We're going to extract (x) the tape archive into its previous packaged files (f) using verbose mode (v) to list all files being processed during the extraction.

tar xfv go1.20.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Copy the Service Binaries into the System's Path

After extraction, we can copy the exporter binaries to the system's path so they appear as installed dependencies and can be properly used and linked within services.

sudo mv go /usr/local/go-1.20.4

We want to have the Go Compiler noticed as a command when building the JSON Exporter application. We can do this by creating a symbolic link (-s) using the link tool ln. We can specify that the binaries of version 1.20.4 are the ones that will be executed using the terminal. Using the -f flag, we force the command to remove any existing files in case something was installed previously. This step is incredibly best practice if you want to update the version of Go or build any newer software release.

sudo ln -sf /usr/local/go-1.20.4/bin/go /usr/bin/go

Check Go Version

Execute the go compiler using the version subcommand to verify that everything works as expected.

go version

The output should look similar to the one below. Versions could change based on when you did the installation.

go version go1.20.4 linux/amd64

Cleanup Dependency Download

If everything works properly, we can remove the downloaded tape archive. Note that your file might have a different version naming.

rm go1.20.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

7.3.3 Installing the JSON Exporter

Before downloading anything, make sure you are still in the home directory so everything is in one place:


Download the Repository

We can then continue downloading this version using the previously installed wget tool. In this case, we're downloading the service directly from GitHub. Make sure to update your software version if there is a newer release.

git clone

Move into the folder to build the file:

cd json_exporter

Create the Build using the Makefile

Now let's build the application from the source code. We use the previously downloaded tool make to trigger the repositories Makefile. Makefiles are a list of rules and dependencies used to build a project. They specify the relationships among files in your program and provide commands to update them and build executable applications.

sudo make build

Let the process run through. It might take half a minute.

Copy the Service Binaries into the System's Path

After extraction, we can copy the exporter binaries to the system's path so they appear as installed dependencies and can be properly used and linked within services.

sudo cp json_exporter /usr/local/bin/

Let's also make sure the user can execute the file by changing the permissions as described in the Node Exporter section:

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/json_exporter

Cleaning up Install Files

Move back into the home directory:


After we have copied the executable file into the system's program path and given it the appropriate user rights, we can remove the original repository folder we've downloaded.

rm -rf json_exporter

7.3.4 Configuring External Datasets

After installation, we want to create a separate configuration file to fetch external information, the LYX price. We will create our own folder for the applciation's configuration files within /etc/json_exporter/.

sudo mkdir /etc/json_exporter/

Now we can create a new config file within this folder:

sudo nano /etc/json_exporter/json_exporter.yaml

Write the following properties into the configuration file:

- name: lyxeur
path: "{.lukso-token.eur}"
help: LUKSO (LYX) Price in EUR

In case you want to change the currency to something else, this is how it would look in USD:

- name: lyxusd
path: "{.lukso-token.usd}"
help: LUKSO (LYX) Price in USD

Be cautious: When creating new rules or modifying existing ones, following the correct syntax and structure are essential to ensure that the JSON Exporter functions properly and provides the desired level of security. Verify that you always use 2 spaces for each indentation and that the hyphen.

Those properties will, later on, be used within the Grafana Dashboard to fetch the token prices and build metrics based on our validator service.

Set JSON Exporter Permissions

Like previously explained in the Node Exporter section of the guide, we can set both, the user and group to the specified user of the service. Save and exit the file, then give the exporter worker permissions to this configuration folder and the config file:

sudo chown -R json-exporter-worker:json-exporter-worker /etc/json_exporter/

We can now continue the service configuration and link our external metrics there.

7.3.5 Configuring the Service

After installation, we want to define how the JSON Exporter service should be run. Within Ubuntu, the /etc/systemd/system/ directory is where system service unit files are stored and used to configure services to start automatically at boot.

Here, we can create a file called json_exporter.service. A service file is generally used to define how daemon processes should be started. In our case, we create the file with the exact name of the JSON Exporter service stored within the system directory to modify the JSON Exporter's startup process.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/json_exporter.service

The configuration file is split between multiple sections: [Unit], [Service], and [Install]. The unit contains generic options that are not dependent on the type of service and provide documentation. The service and install section is where we will house our configuration properties:

  • Description: Provides a concise but meaningful explanation of the service used in the configuration
  • Documentation: Provides a URL where more information about the program can be found
  • After: Ensures that the service is started after a specific service, in this case, that the network has been set up, as we will need a network connection for this exporter to succeed.
  • User: Specifies under which user the service will run. In this case, it will be json-exporter-worker.
  • Group: Specifies under which user group the service will run. In this case, it will be json-exporter-worker.
  • Type: This option configures the process startup type for this service unit. The simple value means the exec command configured will be the main process of the service.
  • ExecStart: Specifies the command to run when the service starts. In this case, it's /usr/local/bin/json_exporter as the program folder of the JSON Exporter. We will also start with our previously set up external data config file by passing it through the service using the --config.file flag.
  • Restart: Configures whether the service shall be restarted when the service process exits, is killed, or a timeout is reached. The always value means the service will be restarted regardless of whether it exited cleanly or not.
  • RestartSec: This option configures the time to sleep before restarting a service. The value 5 means the service will wait for 5 seconds before it restarts. It is a common default value and a balance between trying to restart the service quickly after a failure and not restarting it so rapidly that you could exacerbate problems.
  • SyslogIdentifier: Sets the program name used when messages are logged to the system log.
  • StandardOutput: Logfile where the output from the JSON Exporter will be logged.
  • StandardError: Logfile where errors from the JSON Exporter will be logged.
  • ProtectSystem: Protection rules to specify where the service can write files to the disk. If set to full it will limit the areas of the file system that the exporter can write outside of his regular application folder. The setting fits as we are just using it for logging.
  • NoNewPrivileges: Prevent the JSON Exporter service and its children from gaining new service privileges independently.
  • PrivateTmp: Set to allow the service to generate a private /tmp directory that other processes can't access.
  • WantedBy: This option creates a small dependency and starts the service at boot time. If we input, we can specify that the service will start when the system is set up for multiple users. In our case, every Exporter service will have its user fitting the description.

JSON Exporter Logging

By default, the service will write journal logs into the /var/log/journal/ folder using the journal service. But you can also configure it to use system logs written into the /var/log/syslog folder by the syslog process. Here is a quick rundown:

  • journal: The logs are structured and include metadata about each log entry, making them easier to filter and analyze but more challenging to read our bugfix. The service includes default rate limiting and log rotation, which can help keep log sizes small. It also stores logs in a binary format, which can be more space-efficient and faster to process than text-based logs
  • syslog: System logs are text-based logs, which are easier to read, bugfix, and process with traditional command-line tools. It also has a network protocol, so it could send logs to remote servers if thats something you need.

Process Ownership

Make sure you change the User and Group properties if you've previously changed the name, as it will fall back to root and could cause security risks. Our final configuration file will look like this:

Description=JSON Exporter

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/json_exporter --config.file /etc/json_exporter/json_exporter.yaml


Be cautious: When creating new rules or modifying existing ones, following the correct syntax and structure are essential to ensure that the JSON Exporter functions appropriately and provides the desired level of security. Please verify that you do not use spaces between properties and their values.

7.3.6 Start the JSON Exporter Service

First, we need to reload the system manager configuration. It is used when making changes to service configuration files or creating new service files, ensuring that the system daemon is aware of the changes like before.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Afterward, we can start the JSON Exporter service using the system control command:

sudo systemctl start json_exporter

To enable the JSON Exporter service to start when the system boots, we can use the system control to create a symbolic link as we did before.

sudo systemctl enable json_exporter

The output should be the following:

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/json_exporter.service.

We can fetch the current status from the system control to check if the JSON Exporter service is running and configured correctly. It will display whether it is active, enabled, or disabled and show any recent log entries.

sudo systemctl status json_exporter

The output should look similar to this:

● json_exporter.service - JSON Exporter
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/json_exporter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enab>
Active: active (running) since [DATE] UTC; [TIME] ago
Main PID: 88174 (json_exporter)
Tasks: 14 (limit: 38043)
Memory: 7.6M
CPU: 139ms
CGroup: /system.slice/json_exporter.service
└─88174 /usr/local/bin/json_exporter --config.file /etc/json_exporter/json_expo>

[DATE] [TIME] [USER] json_exporter[88174]: net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xc00002408>...

7.3.7 Maintenance

Proper maintenance ensures that all the components are working as intended, can be updated on the fly, and that software can be kept up-to-date and secure. It's also essential to identify and fix errors quickly.


If journal is your logging tool, you can access the full logs with the journal control tool.

  • -f: Logging in follow mode displays the most recent journal entries and then updates in real-time as new entries are added.
  • -u: In unit mode, it filters the log to show only entries for the specified system's service, this time json_exporter.
sudo journalctl -f -u json_exporter


If you made any changes to configuration files, reload the system daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Then, restart the service using the system control:

sudo systemctl restart json_exporter


You can stop the service using the system control:

sudo systemctl stop json_exporter

7.3.8 Optional User Removal

If you ever want to remove the user or something went wrong, do the following steps:

Change the owner back to root:

sudo chown -R root:root /etc/json_exporter/

Remove the user and all the files, so there are no orphaned data blobs on your system:

sudo deluser --remove-all-files json-exporter-worker
sudo delgroup json-exporter-worker

Afterward, you can redo the JSON Exporter guide and either set up a new user or remove the User property from the configuration in 7.3.5. By default, the process will run as root. Also, make sure to go through every step in 7.3.6 once again.

7.3.9 Optional Software Removal

If you want to remove the JSON Exporter tool, stop the running service:

sudo systemctl stop json_exporter

Disable the service:

sudo systemctl disable json_exporter

Remove the service file:

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/json_exporter.service

Reload the system service daemon to get the service file change:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Then continue deleting the configuration file folder.

sudo rm -rf /etc/json_exporter

In the last step, remove the unlisted executable itself:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/json_exporter