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Part 2 - Configure SSH

In this guide we will configure and secure the SSH connection between you personal computer and node machine.


If you installed Ubuntu Desktop and do not plan to control your node from a personal computer, skip to step 3.

Choose your personal computer's operating system

The next steps will configure the client software on a personal device running MacOS. You will use this device to control your node remotely.

Step 1 - Install HomeBrew and OpenSSH

Install HomeBrew package manager for MacOS

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install OpenSSH

brew install openssh

Step 2 - Configure SSH client

The SSH command requires the username, IP address, and port number of the node machine.

Simplify the SSH command by updating the SSH config file with your node credentials.

sudo nano ~/.ssh/config

Copy/Paste the following into the config file. Replace <node-user>, <node-ip>, and <ssh-port> IP address and port number have been determined in previous steps. <node-user> is your node machine's user name.

Host lukso
User <node-user>
HostName <node-ip>
Port <ssh-port>

Step 3 - Test connection

Attempt to connect to verify the configuration:

ssh lukso



Step 4: Generate SSH Keys

SSH is more secure when using public/private keys instead of a password. In this step we will generate keys on your personal device and send the public key to the node machine.

Ensure you have disconnected from your node machine. On your personal device, create a new key pair for ssh authentication.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Copy the public key to the node machine.

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ lukso

Test key login. This time it should not prompt for a password.

ssh lukso

Remain connected and proceed to Part 3
