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Open Network Ports

To let the Blockchain CLients communicate correctly, the ports, e.g., data communication channels, must be enabled on the node and the router. For each supported blockchain client, there are different ports to open.

Each supported client has different ports for various purposes that have to be open for a clear connection:

To discover peers of other nodes, all outbound traffic should be allowed across all UDP and TCP ports when using Prysm and Lighthouse.

GETHExecution Chain Data Channel30303X
GETHExecution Chain Discovery30303X
ERIGONExecution Chain Data Channel30303X
ERIGONExecution Chain Discovery30303X
LIGHTHOUSEBeacon Communication and Data9000XX
PRYSMBeacon Gossip, Requests, and Responses13000X
PRYSMBeacon Discovery, Requests, Data Exchange12000X

Within the monitoring section of this guide you can find further internal communication channels.
